Saturday, August 25, 2012

Tick Tock

Spent three hours for these shots and I say definitely worth it = )

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Water Photography

Shooting things falling into the water.... Here are some of the shots that I shot. 

Dropping The Goldfish into The Tank
Definitely need some practices but it might also kill the goldfish. Therefore, I only drop him a few times so that it won't die due to stress. I guess that's the best I can do so far.

Dropping The Apple into The Tank
Way easier than dropping the goldfish into the tank. Satisfied with the result even though I only have 1 flash to help me to take the shot. If there was 2-3 more flashes, then better shots can be made.

Saturday, August 4, 2012


I guess I was too bored after my working hours in PPUG as there wasn't any internet services, entertainment and so on. With luck, this week I have my gears with me =). So I decided to....


It is definitely not as easy as it looks. It requires setups, trials and errors. Here are the samples of what I took few days back.

Here's the old self-portrait

Peace =)

Friday, August 3, 2012


Well, I guess there won't be lot of words in my blog. This blog is going to show my photography and that is all. I can't be sure whether I'll be writing a lot in the future or just keep on posting my works only. So if anything, just contact me through my Facebook Profile/Messages , questions on photography or jobs you want to offer. 

Below are some of the pictures that I'd shot. 

Peace =)